Valerie Wong

Hi there, I’m Valerie -
life coach, cat mom, and believer in your dreams.

I became a life coach to help women like you believe in yourself and your dreams, create your own self-care practices and rituals that nourish your soul, and most importantly, to know that you deserve everything your soul desires.

My work is rooted in my own personal and spiritual growth journey.

Like many of us, my journey began with a book. I was in my early 30’s and feeling frustrated by a job that made me miserable, a hot mess of a dating life (oh the stories I could tell), and always struggling with money despite having a really good income. This culminated in a dramatic New Year’s declaration to my friend Sarah: “My goal this year is to change everything about my life!” (Years later, we’re still laughing about this.)

But this intention took root, and that was the year the Universe led me to a book that completely shifted my life perspective and eventually inspired my career in life coaching. All these years later, I’m so grateful to still be learning new things about myself, the world, and my place in it – and to be able to support others on their journeys.

Valerie Wong reading The Power of Now
Valerie Wong with cats

If there were only 3 lessons I could
share with you, it would be these:

  • Lesson 1


    The Universe wouldn’t give you a dream without also giving you what you need to create it. Like an acorn holds everything to become an Oak, you were designed to bring your dreams to life.

    And that’s really why we’re here on this Earth journey. Remember this whenever doubt creeps in—you were born worthy and capable.

  • Lesson 2


    And we’re always creating . . . it’s just a matter of whether we’re doing it consciously or unconsciously. Things really shifted for me when I realized the power of being intentional – in how I manage my time, thoughts, feelings, energy, money and living and workspace.

    Awareness and being intentional are the biggest keys to change.

  • Lesson 3


    When you sacrifice your own physical, spiritual, or emotional well-being for work or other people’s needs and priorities, you do a disservice to them, yourself, and the world. When you’re depleted and run down, you can’t fully give of yourself. You’re denying everyone the very best of you.

    So take care of yourself first, and then shine your beautiful light for others.

“Intentional days create a life on purpose.”

— Adrienne Enns

For guidance, support, and encouragement with your personal and spiritual growth journey, start here . .

Download my free self-care journaling sheets

This is a simple but powerful journal practice for busy women who are short on time. Go from overwhelmed and stressed to calm and in control in just 10 minutes a day.

Explore my shop

Discover journals, worksheets, and other helpful tools for your personal and spiritual development journey, created with love by me.

Explore coaching

You don’t have to solve all your problems on your own. Let me help you tap into your inner wisdom for clarity, confidence, and a clear path forward.

Some fun facts about me...

Valerie Wong Fun Fact 1
Valerie Wong Fun Fact 3
Valerie Wong Fun Fact 5
Valerie Wong Fun Fact 2
Valerie Wong Fun Fact 4
Valerie Wong Fun Fact 6

Let’s stay in touch!

Join Sunday Soul Care…

Every Sunday, I'll send you an email with an Oracle card reading for collective guidance, along with a message from my soul to yours to help you start your week in a positive and purposeful way, and to help you thrive.

I’m writing to let you know how much I LOVE your newsletter. Honestly, this is the only newsletter I read and look forward to each week. Life is busy, everyone has their cup full these days.
Your newsletter is a breath of fresh air and a very needed pause for me. I can imagine internet is full of info but I trust You, I feel you share it from your heart and in a condensed form, just perfect bites for me.
— Liliia, Netherlands