Liver Rescue 3:6:9 — My experience plus helpful tips for a successful cleanse

If you’re considering doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 cleanse, be sure to read this post before you start! I’ll tell you about my experience completing the cleanse, plus give you practical tips to make it easier, save you time, and set you up for success with the Liver Rescue 3:6:9.

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I recently completed the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 cleanse by the Medical Medium, and was blown away by how good I felt afterward. And while it’s not easy, it turned out to be not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

In this post, I’m sharing what my experience was like, practical tips to help you through it, and a free toolkit to make it so much easier and less time-consuming for you (I wish I’d had these when I did it!).

These resources are meant to be a supplement to the Medical Medium Liver Rescue book. You’ll still need the book for the complete protocol and recipes (get it here).


Liver Rescue 3:6:9 is a gentle cleanse developed by Anthony William. If you haven’t heard of him, he’s known as the Medical Medium for his ability to converse with Spirit for divine guidance about how to read people’s health conditions and help them heal.

Now that may sound pretty far out if you’re not a believer in this sort of thing like I am. But, before you write it off as crazy or too “woo woo” for you, consider this . . .

  • He’s been called in as a consultant to help doctors with their most difficult cases

  • He’s worked with a number of celebrities and professional athletes

  • His work has been endorsed by well-known and trusted medical doctors like Dr. Alejandro Unger and Dr. Christiane Northrup, who wrote the foreword for Medical Medium Liver Rescue

According to Medical Medium Liver Rescue, caring for our liver is one of the most important things we can do for our health because nearly every health condition or challenge (physical, mental, and emotional) originates from an overloaded liver.

And apparently just about everyone these days has a stressed and overloaded liver — including me! So even if you live a healthy lifestyle, your liver’s probably not functioning at peak performance and could use a little TLC — which is what the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 cleanse is all about!


As a wellness coach, I’ve never been a big proponent of restrictive cleanses. My approach (for myself and my clients) has always been based in clean eating and moderation. So, doing this cleanse was by far the most intense type of program I’ve done.

I decided to do the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 at the urging of my TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner. With a body scan, she was able to tell that my liver is overloaded and not functioning optimally, and probably contributing to my symptoms of brain fog, hormone imbalance, and low energy.

I resisted doing it for a few weeks because I just really love to eat. And I think the stubborn aspect of my Taurus nature just doesn’t like being told what to do — especially when it comes to eating! I was also pretty skeptical about whether it would really help me since I already eat a pretty healthy diet.

But, once I got back from my trip to St. Augustine, where I definitely overindulged, I was feeling pretty rough and ready to clean up my diet.

I’ll be honest, it wasn’t easy (or fun). But it also wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. And I’m REALLY glad I did it.

Below I’ll share my experience with the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 to give you an idea of what you might expect, and also some tips to make it easier and less time-consuming for you.


The Liver Rescue is divided into 3 phases that each last 3 days, called The 3, The 6, and The 9. Each phase gets progressively more restrictive in terms of what you’re supposed to eat.

Below I’ll describe my experience with the Liver Rescue 3:6:9. It’ll be different for everyone, but I think it still helps to hear about someone else’s experience to get an idea of what you might expect.

I’ll start out by addressing what may be one of your biggest fears around doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 (it was mine for sure) — will you be hungry during the cleanse? I honestly never felt hungry during this cleanse. Seriously. Not even on the very last day when you’re basically only having juice.


You’ll be eating vegan and low-fat for most of this cleanse. The vegan part wasn’t hard for me, but I was really missing fat (I never realized how much I love fat). There wasn’t anything I had to eat that I flat-out disliked, though there were a few things I didn’t necessarily enjoy and was really tired of by the end.

I came to really look forward to my Liver Rescue Smoothie every morning, as well as my applesauce and dates in the afternoon (trust me, you’re gonna have a new appreciation for applesauce after this cleanse!).


Days 1-3 are the easiest because you have a lot more flexibility in what you can eat. And because it wasn’t that much different than how I normally eat, these days weren’t bad for me at all. The hardest part for me on days 1-3 was giving up my morning cashew cream latte, which is something I really look forward to every morning.

Despite the fact that I didn’t make any huge changes to my diet, I was surprised that I had a mild headache all 3 days (and I never get headaches). Other than that, I didn’t notice much difference in how I felt.


Days 4-6 were more restrictive and more challenging for me. I continued to have a mild headache on and off for all three days.

On Day 4, I woke up feeling really tired and did not want to get out of bed, which is unusual for me since I’m a total morning person. I felt kind of foggy throughout the day and my energy was really low. Around mid-day I got so sleepy that I (literally) could hardly keep my eyes open. I actually dozed off in front of my computer a couple of times. It wore off, but I thought I was gonna have to stop working and take a nap (I probably should have). All day I felt a little off, kind of irritable and down. Also, I had a bit of an upset stomach (not sure if it was from the cleanse or a new supplement my practitioner had just put me on).

Day 5 was better. I still woke up feeling really tired, had a mild headache part of the day (though not as bad as the past days), and a mild upset stomach again. But my mood was much better and I felt more energized.

I’ll tell you that by the end of the fifth day, I was REALLY getting tired of that detox salad. And I like salad normally, but I was completely over it by this time. Next time, I’d buy a few different types of greens to eat in my salad so I could mix it up and have more variety.

Even though I never felt hungry, I think the food restriction was starting to get to me by Day 5 . . . that night, I dreamed that I forgot I was on the cleanse, ate some biscuits and gravy, and then had to start over at Day 1. No joke. I woke up totally distraught until I realized it was just a dream. More like a nightmare! But those dream biscuits and gravy were so good. 🙂

Day 6 was the last day of The 6, and it was actually easier than the previous two days. I still woke up super tired and not wanting to get out of bed, and still had a mild headache part of the day. But otherwise I felt really good and my energy was up. I was also ecstatic to be eating my last Liver Rescue salad of the cleanse!


The first two phases are about preparing your body for the cleanse, and the final phase, The 9, is where the actual cleansing takes place.

These final 3 days are, of course, the most restrictive, with the last day being basically only juice. I really expected these days to be the hardest and thought I would be super hungry, irritable, and have no energy.

Surprisingly, basically the opposite was true! I continued to feel no hunger (even on the last day, which is downright bizarre), my energy was good, and my mood was great — even on Day 9. My head felt crystal clear and I felt so light and peaceful, if that makes any kind of sense. It’s hard to describe, but I just felt really good. Like better than I have in a long time.

In addition to those results, I noticed that I was breathing much easier. I seem to have chronic inflammation in my nasal passages and feel like I’m never getting all the air I should be when I breathe (I always thought it was just outdoor allergies). But by The 9, I noticed that this was completely gone and my breathing was so much better!

I was pretty bloated throughout most of the cleanse, but by Day 9 my bloat was completely gone and my stomach was flatter than I’ve seen it in a long time.

Weight loss wasn’t a goal or intended result of doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9, but out of curiosity I decided to weigh myself before and after. I was down 3 pounds after the last day.

I was pretty amazed by how great I felt at the end of the cleanse and beyond. Later in the post, I’ll talk about some of the practices I’m continuing after the cleanse. But for now, I want to share some practical and really helpful tips to help you be successful with the cleanse and make it as easy as possible on you.


I won’t lie — this cleanse isn’t easy, it takes a lot of prep work, it’s kind of expensive, and it’s very time-consuming. That’s just the honest truth.

But now that I’ve done it, I can honestly say it’s 100% worth the time, money, and energy I put into it.

To help you out, here are things I discovered along the way that will make the cleanse easier on you and less time-consuming.


You don’t have to read the whole book before starting the Liver Rescue 3:6:9, but you’ll need it for the cleanse instructions and the recipes. I initially was planning to just check it out from the library, but not only was every copy checked out, there was also a long waiting list for it! Apparently lots of people are doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9! So if you find that the library isn’t an option, you can get it here on Amazon.


You’ll be drinking a lot of juice on this cleanse, especially celery juice. It’s not like you can run down to Publix and stock up on celery juice, so if you don’t have a good juicer on hand, you’ll need to either (a) find a local juice bar where you can get your juice daily, (b) borrow a juicer, or (c) buy a juicer.

If you decide to use a local juice bar, call ahead of time and make sure they can prepare the kinds of juices you’ll need for the cleanse. I discovered that some juice bars don’t make their juices on location, so they can’t custom make a juice for you. Also make sure they’re open 7 days a week, since you’ll need to go everyday for fresh juice.

It’s pretty expensive to buy a bunch of juice everyday, and there’s the added time and inconvenience of having to go get it if you don’t have a juice bar close by, so I opted to buy a juicer. I honestly never thought I’d be buying a juicer! If I’m being 100% honest, I always thought juicing was kind of stupid. But now I’m getting into it and glad I bought the juicer.

If you decide to buy a juicer, make sure you can get it in advance of when you start your cleanse. You’ll want time to learn how to use it and experiment with it to make sure it does everything you need it to do.

I knew nothing about juicers before this, so I spent HOURS researching juicers . . . cold press (aka masticating) versus centrifugal . . . comparing brands . . . reading and watching reviews . . . comparing prices.

Here’s what I learned in a nutshell . . . (a) cold press/masticating are the best because they don’t heat the juice like the centrifugal juicer does, therefore preserving more of the nutrients and (b) cold press juicers are significantly more expensive than centrifugal juicers.

Price was a big concern for me because this just wasn’t something I was prepared to invest a lot of money in, not being sure if I would ever use it again after this cleanse (I’m happy to report that I have continued using it after the cleanse and so I’m glad I made the investment).

But I also really wanted a cold press juicer because if I was gonna go through the trouble of a cleanse, I wanted to be sure I was getting the most I possibly could out of it!

Good news — I was able to find a very reasonably priced cold press juicer that did everything I needed it to and was significantly less expensive than even many of the centrifugal juicers. It’s easy to use, surprisingly quiet, easy to clean, and doesn’t take up too much counter space. I think it’s a great juicer for beginners like me and I’ve been super happy with it. You can check it out here.


I tried to do this but failed because I couldn’t tell from the book how much I needed of each item — definitely one of the shortcomings of the Liver Rescue book.

So, I can tell you from experience that the last thing you want is to have to venture out to the grocery store for supplies mid-cleanse and be tempted by a bunch of yummy looking food. (And suddenly even the most mundane of foods will look incredibly tempting . . . mmmmm . . . sliced bread). Seriously, it was that bad. And you might even find yourself buying treats to have after the cleanse has ended. Not that I did this, mind you, but I’m just saying it could happen. Okay, I did this. Luckily I was in my local natural foods store, so I couldn’t get anything that was TOO bad for me. And it did give me something to look forward to post-cleanse. 🙂

This is why I made a handy Liver Rescue 3:6:9 grocery list for you, so you can be sure you have everything you need ahead of time!

One thing you’ll need that I couldn’t find at Whole Foods or my local natural food stores is pitaya powder (I got this one from Amazon and was really happy with it).


Like I said, this cleanse is pretty time-consuming, so you definitely want to do it during a slower time. You won’t be able to eat out after Day 3, so keep that in mind when you’re planning. Likewise, plan it out so that the last 3 days of the cleanse (which are the hardest) will fall on your easiest days. For most people, this will be the weekend. I started on a Saturday and ended on a Sunday. This worked well for me, but next time I might consider starting on a Friday and ending on a Saturday. That way I’d have Sunday to start transitioning back to eating normally before the rush of the work week on Monday.


You’ll be blending some of your meals and you’re gonna want a quality high-powered blender for this. This is the VitaMix I own, which I’ve had for years and still works great. Costco also has good deals on them.


This is going to be especially important if you work outside of your home. I work from home so I had more flexibility, but this is gonna be critical if you have to go somewhere else to work. And even working from home, I wished I’d done a lot of the prep work ahead of time, because it was pretty disruptive to my day and a huge time suck. Even if the only prep you did was washing all the celery ahead of time, you honestly would save yourself hours during the cleanse itself. Seriously. Celery has a lot of dirt in it, so cleaning it is really time-consuming!


You don’t want any added stress on your body while it’s doing an intensive cleanse like this. There’s also a good chance your energy will be low during the cleanse. Plan on doing light movement like walking or gentle yoga.

Following these steps for the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 will save you a ton of time, make the protocol easier on you, and set you up for a successful cleanse!


I could tell such a difference in how I felt from doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 — physically, mentally, and emotionally. It was pretty amazing.

Of course, this type of program isn’t sustainable long-term (at least not for me — I love food too much). But, there are aspects of the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 that I’m continuing after the cleanse . . .

I’m drinking celery juice at least once a week. I plan to get to the point of drinking it daily, but I needed a little break from celery juice since I’m not a huge fan and it’s kind of expensive to buy that much celery!

I’m cutting back on gluten, eggs, and corn. I haven’t completely eliminated these foods from my diet, but I’m avoiding these during the week for the most part, and then I let myself splurge on the weekends if there’s something I want.

I’m cutting back on fats. Healthy sources of fat are good for us and I still eat them, but I’ve learned from the Liver Rescue that too much of it, even the healthy fats, is really hard on our livers. So, I’m being more mindful about how much fat I’m eating.

I’m still drinking my morning lemon water as soon as I get up. Then I wait 20-30 minutes before having my morning cashew cream latte (which I just haven’t been able to bring myself to give up). But, I’m looking into making homemade oat milk to replace the cashew cream since it has less fat (and it’s best to avoid fats till lunch time). I haven’t found a recipe that floats my boat yet, but I’m working on it!

I’m eating less. Doing the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 made me realize that I eat way more than I actually need. I’m not doing any crazy calorie restriction or anything like that. I’m just being more mindful of how much I truly need to eat versus how much I’m actually eating.

I’m still eating applesauce or apples almost everyday (some days I forget). Honestly, I’d forgotten how good applesauce is — and who knew it’s so amazingly good for you?! Well, I guess the person who said an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Which apparently is true!

I’m actively adding to my diet more of the foods he recommends in the Medical Medium Life Changing Foods book. I’ve always been a healthy eater and I already regularly eat many of the foods in this book, but now I’m being more intentional about being aware of the health benefits of these foods and eating them more consistently.

Don’t get me wrong . . . I’m still very much a foodie and into enjoying all the experiences and flavors that the culinary world has to offer. I’m just being more mindful about avoiding the unhealthy foods and adding in more of the healthy ones in between our foodie excursions.

Final thoughts

If you’re struggling with any type of health condition or just want to feel better in general, I highly recommend giving the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 a try (after consulting with your healthcare provider, of course).

It’s true that it’s not easy, but honestly it wasn’t nearly as hard to get through as I anticipated. And like I said, the results made any feelings of discomfort or deprivation (mainly in the form of food boredom for me), totally worth it.

Have you completed the Liver Rescue 3:6:9? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience and any tips you have — please share in the comments below!

And if you found this helpful, please be sure to share it on Pinterest so others can find it. Thanks!