Let’s connect!
If you have questions about working together -- or just want to say hi -- I'd love to hear from you!
Sometimes my reply might get lost and end up in your junk/spam folder or promotions tab in gmail, so please check there if you don’t see it in your inbox within 48 hours.

Let’s stay in touch!
Join Sunday Soul Care…
Every Sunday, I'll send you an email with an Oracle card reading for collective guidance, along with a message from my soul to yours to help you start your week in a positive and purposeful way, and to help you thrive.
“I’m writing to let you know how much I LOVE your newsletter. Honestly, this is the only newsletter I read and look forward to each week. Life is busy, everyone has their cup full these days.
Your newsletter is a breath of fresh air and a very needed pause for me. I can imagine internet is full of info but I trust You, I feel you share it from your heart and in a condensed form, just perfect bites for me.”