tranquil tree with candle

Is life feeling a little overwhelming or uninspiring?

Welcome to The Intentional Soul . . . A cozy online space designed to uplift, empower, and inspire you on your journey to becoming your best Self.

You’ll find guidance, encouragement, and supportive tools designed with love to help you nourish your soul, fulfill your dreams, and craft a life that truly lights you up!

You deserve a life that lights you up

Life can feel overwhelming sometimes, can't it? Especially if you’re a sensitive soul like me.

With all of our modern-life responsibilities as women - and everything going on in the world - it's

easy to lose ourselves in the shuffle. I created the Intentional Soul to help you . . .

✦ reclaim your time and energy

✦ reconnect with what's truly important to you

✦ move forward on your journey to becoming your best Self, and

✦ intentionally craft a life that lights you up.

I believe we’re all souls here on an Earth journey, and I’m here to help you embrace that journey wholeheartedly . . . to be full of life and live life to the fullest! If you’re looking for ways to have a better relationship with yourself (and quiet the negative self-talk!), believe in yourself and your dreams, and consciously create a more fulfilling life that’s aligned with your purpose, values, and passions, then you are in the right place and I’m thrilled to support you with this!

Valerie Wong

Hi there! I’m Valerie . .

Life and wellness coach, cat mom, journal author, and the heart and soul behind The Intentional Soul.

I’m inspired by nature (total bird nerd here!), travel, and all things mystical (hello, Tarot and Oracle cards!). A few of my simple joys are cute teacups and a good cup of tea, journaling and stickers, and cozy mysteries.

My work is inspired by my own personal and spiritual development journey over the past 20+ years, and I love sharing what I learn with other women on similar paths.

I’m so glad you’re here and look forward to connecting with you!

  • “I would recommend Valerie to anyone who is looking for a fresh start and ready to make your dreams a reality. If you are looking for something life-changing, this is it!

    Priscilla, Coaching Client

  • Read the blog


    Find uplifting and empowering articles to help you live with intention, reduce stress and overwhelm, and create a life that lights you up.

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    Personal coaching to help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed, and more calm and in control of your life, with time and energy for what matters most.

  • Explore the shop


    Discover journals, worksheets, and other helpful tools for your personal and spiritual development journey, created with love by me.

Let’s stay in touch!

Join Sunday Soul Care…

Every Sunday, I'll send you an email with an Oracle card reading for collective guidance, along with a message from my soul to yours to help you start your week in a positive and purposeful way, and to help you thrive.

I’m writing to let you know how much I LOVE your newsletter. Honestly, this is the only newsletter I read and look forward to each week. Life is busy, everyone has their cup full these days.
Your newsletter is a breath of fresh air and a very needed pause for me. I can imagine internet is full of info but I trust You, I feel you share it from your heart and in a condensed form, just perfect bites for me.
— Liliia, Netherlands